Wednesday, 1 January 2014

New Year

It is officially 2014...and in the best of British spirit the weather is awful:


So how did everyone spend their New Years? 

I stayed at home with my parents in proper Bridget Jones style and simply drank wine with them. My brother and I created some cool harmonies with his guitar and that was about it...mental I know. But it was a lot of fun, I got to have a bunch of proper conversations that may have been stirred by the alcohol but wouldn't have happened any other way. We live in a suburban area so at midnight were in the middle of the neighbourhood fireworks, I couldn't really see much because there was a tree and I'm really short but it heightened the atmosphere. with every new year I'm gonna ask the same question you're going to get asked hundreds over times over January: 
What are your New Years resolutions?

Some classic examples are:

Lose weight

Join a gym

Stop dating pricks etc.

Here are mine:

Join a weekly exercise class at the gym

Become a definite size 10 by June

Do work and essays as soon I get them instead of last minute

Get a job

Teach myself the piano

Update blog every day

So you know the drill, just comment or send me a tweet @ezmaar of what your resolutions are I'm always really intrigued

I'm off now,



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