Saturday, 4 January 2014

One resolution down...

So one of my resolutions was to learn the piano and I have officially taught myself 'Honey, Honey' from the Mamma Mia soundtrack, that and the Rent music are the only piano books I have so I'm teaching myself through musical theatre :) I'm taking a keyboard back to uni with me so by next year hopefully I'll be able to sing and play at the same time!! I'll upload my progress on here but considering it was my first day today I didn't want to harm your ears :) my other resolutions include: go to the gym more, lose weight, finish my story, write a play, get a job and spend less money on nights far so good!

How is everyone? It's been a while since I've been online but I've had a bunch of tedious essays to write and you all know the drill. 

Anyway I've also started reading thr new Bridget Jones book

I'm a huge Bridget Jones fan and know every line to the first and second film (let's just take a second to appreciate Collin Firth and Hugh Grant fighting in a fountain) but this book seems very different. I'm about a quarter of the way through and I've discovered she's no longer with Mr Darcy and has kids (sorry to spoil but you find both of these out within the first three pages) which I'm shocked by! What happened to Darcy? Part of the reason it makes me sad is simply due to the fact that if they make a film out of this one as they have with the others, Collin Firth won't be in it! But it's easy to read and makes me actually laugh out loud which is hard to do with books- I can cry easily at books but find it hard to actually laugh, not entirely sure why but life goes on. If anyone is considering reading this I would definitely say go ahead, it's an easy read and is perfect for relaxing, Bridget is now older so although the context may not directly relate to the younger audience, the writing remains as funny and unique as the other two books.

Much love,


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